Etiquette Tips for Sensitive Business Environments

Easy tips proper business etiquette

There are no universal rules when it comes to business etiquette. Society constantly judges our actions and exposes our flawed character traits. There are plenty of examples in the press that demonstrate how our past behaviour has no expiration date or time limit from public scrutiny. Social media has blurred the thin line that separates private and public life.

With the Internet being a shared digital space, there’s bound to be friction among opposing world views. It’s difficult not to offend, but not impossible if we do our research and due diligence before engaging other communities. Practicing proper business etiquette will help you avoid the public embarrassment of being the latest victim of cancel culture. When you build a platform that reflects your community and its values, your loyal followers will defend you as a representative who speaks on their behalf.

Here are some simple yet effective etiquette tips for sensitive business environments.

Build Rapport

Many believe rapport-building begins after the icebreaker or introduction stage. That all too familiar moment of letting others know who we are and what we do. While this may be accurate among those who have no content or visibility, it doesn’t automatically apply to every profession.

An active public figure starts building rapport the moment others begin to recognize their work. You never know who could be discreetly following you and observing your growth. Most new followers have a habit of browsing through your previously posted content. It’s wise to remove any questionable statements or controversial comments that could potentially damage your brand.

The transparency of social media makes us feel connected to people we’ve never met. Some online conversations may continue for years before two people arrive at the point of meeting each other in person. Whether you’re approaching someone online or face-to-face, many of these standard principles and strategies still apply.

Start by being an active listener while engaged in conversation. Good listening skills will help you identify a potential need or opportunity. Remember that a person’s thoughts, words, and actions may not always align. We live in a world where it’s easier to pretend or remain silent than risk the unknown consequences of offending others.

Be selective when choosing clients and growing your network. Don’t associate with people who devalue your brand. Wait until you’ve got a good enough understanding of someone’s character both on and offline. A person’s online persona may differ from who they are in real life.

Too many professionals offer or accept numbers and emails without any intention of connecting afterwards. The benefits should be clear before agreeing to exchange information. Entrepreneurs are highly productive individuals who maximize their time. They already invest lots of sweat equity into researching potential clients, building relationships, identifying needs, finding quality solutions, and gaining enough client confidence to be selected for a project. The only shortcut available is when a credible person who has already built rapport vouches for you.

Avoid using oversimplified tricks like mirroring a person unless you’re trying to figure out which utensil to use in a full course meal. Most seasoned professionals see right through these common ploys. Sooner or later, the truth will reveal that you’re not genuine. People are more excited by someone unique who can offer a fresh perspective that expands their knowledge.

When talking to others, show them that you’re paying attention and fully engaged in the conversation. Have something to contribute that is of benefit to the listener. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by offering solutions to a relatable or similar problem that you’ve experienced firsthand. Finding common ground is an easy and effective way to build rapport.

The subtle art of probing while asking questions is a skill worth mastering. Only ask questions that are tasteful and fruitful to the conversation. Know what boundaries not to cross. No matter how friendly or relaxed someone is, don’t undermine your character or reputation as a professional. Show them you are qualified and fit for the opportunity you’re seeking.

Building rapport comes with the long and challenging task of maintaining relationships. Begin your journey by leaving positive comments on social media, supporting their events, referring leads, or sending occasional invites to join you for a free lunch. Never take rejection personally. After getting turned down, let ample time pass before making another attempt. If you come across as pushy or annoying, you’ll never hear from them again.

Sometimes it’s better to patiently wait for others to ask for something before making a request. When someone pays you for help, they’re also acknowledging your value. You can increase that value by being the best at what you do and consistently delivering results. Once others view you as capable and reliable, it will become much easier to upsell and finalize deals.

Body Language and Clothing

There are times we wish people could see the intangible before the tangible. We want others to look past the surface and recognize the content of our character. The different levels of experiences we have as individuals add to our uniqueness. You can never tell how amazing a person is until you’ve heard their life story.

Unfortunately, when it comes to attaining new opportunities through strangers, our presentation on the surface can directly impact the number of doors that may open. It’s unnecessary to wear a fancy business suit to a minor event, but necessary to look and act the part if you want to fit in. Clothing plays a significant role in communicating things about your personality and adds authenticity. Be the best version of yourself and feel comfortable in your skin. Blend into different environments while still knowing when and how to stand out.

Stay well-groomed, and give extra attention to the cleanliness of your clothes, dental hygiene, and bodily scents. Missing any of these critical details will only distract your audience. People will associate you with things that are either positive or negative. Better to be remembered for having a powerful message that evoked others than a powerful scent that provoked others.

When we consciously care for our bodies, it demonstrates our discipline. Fitness requires a long-term commitment to the gym and a lifestyle that includes excellent eating habits. A healthy body lets others know that you value yourself and care greatly about your future. However, it works best when you’ve got a confident posture to match.

Avoid unattractive habits like slouching, constant fidgeting, awkward facial expressions, not respecting someone’s space or making unwanted physical contact during a conversation. In most cases, physical contact is bad for business. Except for a traditional handshake, make it best practice to keep your hands to yourself.

Having a great appearance is advantageous for entertainment industries and media platforms that generate revenue by promoting sex appeal. Leveraging your good looks is acceptable, but don’t make the mistake of being an incomplete package when it comes to other important characteristics like personality and intelligence. Don’t underwhelm others by being just a one-trick pony. Prove you’ve got the right skillsets to produce and sustain results for the long term.

Communication Strategies

Communication starts with the mind. That’s why it’s a good habit to think before speaking. Focus more on listening and avoid giving long-winded responses. Every audience varies when it comes to their attention span. Individuals come with different levels of understanding based on their own unique cultural experiences and education. Be concise and get to the point when speaking to busy business professionals. When there is no opportunity to keep things short, make your listeners more comfortable by interacting and engaging with them.

Good speaking habits develop over time with practice. Steer clear of repetitive phrases like “you know what I mean?” and filler words like “um.” Pay close attention to your pattern of breathing, talking speed, and vocal fluctuations. Speak slower when there is a language barrier, faster when the audience is falling asleep, louder for more emphasis, and softer to calmy draw in listeners.

Don’t risk losing credibility by not annunciating and pronouncing names or words correctly. Read more books to increase your vocabulary, or try downloading a dictionary app that teaches a new word daily. Starting a small podcast is another great way to improve communication skills and get genuine feedback through likes, shares and comments.

Learn the lingo of different industries and cultures. Expect industry terms and acronyms to come up during conversations with other professionals or experts. Avoid overusing acronyms and terms that cause confusion or leave room for misinterpretation.

Research people before approaching them and refrain from asking silly questions for answers that are easily accessible online. Most public figures have a personal website, dedicated social media pages, articles, interviews, and videos that they’ve made available to the public. Use all the information gathered to your advantage and avoid making silly mistakes like misspelling a person’s name in an email greeting.

Less is more when it comes to communicating electronically. Entrepreneurs regularly receive a large volume of emails, spam and advertisements to their inboxes. Concise messages are more likely to be well-received and appreciated by recipients. When long emails are unavoidable, use headings and bullet points to improve readability.

Know which method of communication is best for what situation. It may be suitable to qualify leads through emails and chat, but at some point, a potential new client will request to speak by phone. During the lead-generating process, it’s common to start with an electronic message, move to conversations over the phone, and close with a scheduled appointment either in-person or online.

As each stage progresses, the expectation level of the client increases. The fact things are still moving forward is proof that you’re slowly winning their confidence. Take your time, and don’t blow a great opportunity by being overly eager to close a deal.

When hosting an event, always thank the speakers and guests for attending. If you’re an audience member asking a question, remember to thank the speaker after receiving your answer. Whenever there’s a lineup to speak one-on-one with a special guest, be considerate of the people waiting patiently behind you for an opportunity to do the same. How you treat others communicates a lot about your character. Common courtesy and manners go a long way.

Respecting Titles and Identities

Some try to downplay the importance of a person’s identity. No community is a monolith. We vary in our beliefs, perspectives, and experiences. Keeping up-to-date with what’s considered politically correct can be challenging, confusing, and sometimes overwhelming.

It’s no secret that most people don’t appreciate change and may choose to resist even when it’s to their benefit. Indeed, old habits die hard, and you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. This type of stubbornness towards social change is rooted in a lack of empathy and consideration for others. Change is likely to come through the next generation of youth who rightly deserve a vote in shaping their future.

We live in a culturally diverse environment. This reality requires us to accept and overcome the slight inconveniences the result from social change. No community should feel entitled to openly behave in any manner without showing some level of respect and consideration for others. Acknowledging the voices of other communities and knowing when to compromise is all part of nurturing a balanced society. If the wealth and success you have is a direct result of the support shown by a specific community, then it’s in your best interest to treat them respectfully. Otherwise, you risk losing the benefit of accessing their resources.

Gender pronouns are only one small example of a community offering solutions for dealing with issues of gender identity. Much like the way people in France prefer to speak french, other communities prefer that outsiders learn to speak their language. You’ll never know everything about a community, but avoid speaking from a place of ignorance and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

A world where everybody is respected and treated equally is overly optimistic in our current state. Make a conscious effort to avoid using hate speech that encourages anger and violence towards an entire group. There are more effective ways to debate or bring awareness to issues that impact the communities you support.

A proverb tells us that hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works. You may have great intentions, but the world may not perceive it that way. Human error and blatant ignorance play a significant role in a person’s failure to connect with others. We live in a time where it’s easier than ever to access information by way of the Internet. There is no excuse for not educating ourselves about cultures, traditions and preferred titles. Make an effort to address and engage people correctly regardless of the setting.

When in doubt, ask before you assume and think before you offend. Do research using multiple reputable sources and get answers directly from the demographic you wish to capture. You can never be too cautious when doing research. People who know how and when to evolve will reap the benefits, while those who refuse to adapt will always find progress challenging.
